CORE is a one of a kind collaborative data service, providing information on retirement home operations, sales and marketing metrics, financials, including revenues and expenditures, and more.
CORE is poised for strong growth and expansion for years to come, including across Canada, as it looks to be the leading source of data, research and analytics for seniors housing owners, operators, allied businesses, developers, investors, capital providers, researchers, academics, public policy analysts and others interested in understanding and meeting the growing housing and care needs of Canada’s seniors.
Free Form Access is a dynamic online database tool that you can use to complete custom analyses of CORE data – allowing you to go deeper than the published annual or quarterly reports. Plus, Free Form Access contains a property search function which enables you to see publicly-available details on homes in a selected area.
Data contributor or ORCA member? You can save significantly on Free Form Access. Learn more here.
CORE reports are a cost effective way to access CORE data for a designated product type and market area. With three different report types available for purchase, you can pick the one(s) most important to you. For those that are not data-inclined, reports make it easy for you to understand emerging trends.
As a data contributor, you qualify to receive a Complimentary Market Area Report each quarter, as well as deep discounts on report purchase prices.
Three types of reports are available: Financial, Properties and Operations and Quarterly Metrics: Inventory, Rents, Occupancy and Sales. Learn more here.
Start by contacting the CORE team at 1-855-221-5902 or They will provide you with an excel file to complete and return and will support you throughout the process.
Once you’ve submitted all your data (including financials), you are eligible for significant discounts on CORE products!
CORE data will allow you to benchmark yourself against your local competition, and against similar properties in similar markets around the province, and eventually, across Canada. The data will give you market and operational intelligence that you can use to find cost-savings, improve quality and create efficiencies. It’s never before been possible to know whether your line by line costs are comparable with your other neighbourhood homes. Dealing with low occupancy? CORE will enable you to know when and how to re-position yourself to meet changing market demand.
CORE will enable you to evaluate the opportunities and performance of age-qualified housing in Ontario as an asset class. It will provide immediate access to data and information such as: rates, occupancy, NOI, market penetration, and communities in planning. CORE also yields detailed revenues and expenses by property type. CORE is the only source of accurate data to measure and evaluate financial performance of the seniors housing sector in Ontario.
Knowledge is power. CORE will enable you to more fully understand the growth and challenges of the sector at large and in your target market. When you know the line by line costs, or the occupancy rates or the trends in new construction that your clients are dealing with, you can use those insights to better present your products or services.
The data you provide will be encrypted and will not be shared with anyone. Confidential data is only reported in aggregate and only when it is combined with information from a minimum of three other comparable communities, who are owned by a minimum of two other companies. Data collection and reporting is being managed by ProMatura Group, a leading research firm in the age-qualified housing industry.
CORE is an initiative of the Ontario Retirement Communities Association (ORCA), with data collection and reporting managed by ProMatura Group LLC.
ProMatura, under the sponsorship and guidance of the National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing and Care Industry, initiated and built the NICMAP™ database beginning in 2003.
You can learn more by calling the CORE Hotline at 1-855-221-5902.
Or, you can visit